May 30, 2023
Join Abbie Crick in Acts 16:25-40 as she tells the story of the time Paul and Silas were caught singing hymns in prison. In this message, you'll be reminded of the importance of praising even in the suffering.
May 23, 2023
Join pastor Ike Miller in Acts 15:1-21 as he talks through the moment the church became multiethnic. In this message, you'll learn the importance of cultural awareness and ethnic diversity within the church.
May 16, 2023
Join pastor Sharon Miller in Acts 13:1-3 as she discusses what it means to be a "sent person". In this message, you'll hear three practical steps on what it looks like to become a sending church.
May 9, 2023
Join pastor Josh Magee in Acts 10:1-11:18 as he discusses the Holy Spirit. In this message, you'll learn what it means to be reoriented by the spirit.
May 5, 2023
Join pastor Sharon Miller in Acts 9:1-31 as she discusses the basics of evangelism. In this message, you'll learn what it means to become a real disciple of Jesus and the importance of community in discipleship.