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Bright City Church

Mar 28, 2023

Join pastor Sharon Miller in Acts 2:1-47 as she compares the story of the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1 and in Acts 2. In this message, you'll hear the importance of understanding why God created the church. This topic is part of Bright City's study of the Book of Acts.

Mar 22, 2023

Listen to pastor Sharon Miller teach on Acts 1:1-14 from the New Testament. In this message, you'll learn how to not miss the movement of God. This topic is part of Bright City's study of the Book of Acts.

Mar 14, 2023

The fourth movement of The Sabbath Practice is to WORSHIP. Listen to Pastor Ike Miller speak on the importance of true worship and how Sabbath helps us orient our lives around Jesus.

Mar 8, 2023

The third movement of The Sabbath Practice is to DELIGHT. Listen to Pastor Josh Magee discuss how to enter Sabbath delight and the ways we can experience delight in each other and in creation.

Mar 3, 2023

The second movement of The Sabbath Practice is to REST. Oftentimes, we find our identity, security, and satisfaction in our restless labor. Listen to Pastor Ike Miller discuss three ways we can experience the gift of rest when we Sabbath.