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Bright City Church

Jul 26, 2021

In the final week of our series, Quick to Listen: The Art of Communicating So Others Feel Heard, we take a look at responding well.

In the midst of heated, confrontational, or divisive conversations, how do we respond well? The key is learning how to deescalate the argument so that you can move the conversation in...

Jul 20, 2021

In this episode, licensed counselor Shannon Plate gives us tools for how to listen so others feel heard. This includes the role of empathy, how to respond non-judgmentally, how to prepare internally and externally to listen well, and how to apply all of this with children as well.

Shannon Plate is a Licensed Clinical...

Jul 15, 2021

Pastor Ike begins the first message of this 3-part series on Listening by providing a theology of listening. Listening is not something we do just because it is a good relationship skill to have. We listen well because it is rooted in God's action toward us. Our God is a God who listens well.

Pastor Ike then gives us 4...